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Application of split grouting in rehabilitation of an earth dam

XU Qi-yun   

  • Online:2010-08-28 Published:2010-08-28



  1. 浙江华东建设工程有限公司,浙江杭州 310030

Abstract: Since there was no high-quality clay in island, sea mud was adopted as grouting material. Tests were carried out which proved that it could meet the requirements as grouting material. After grouting, excavation inspection showed that it was filled dense. And after experiencing a flood season, the observation found that the original leakage points were blocked and no new discovered, the grouting was of good effect.

摘要: 因海岛内没有优质粘土,设想用海涂泥代替优质粘土作为坝体的灌浆材料。采集海涂泥土样送实验室进行各项性能指标的测试,结果基本满足灌浆用土的质量要求。灌浆后不久,在坝顶挖槽检查劈裂灌浆的效果,被劈裂坝体粘土充填均匀密实,又经过一个雨汛期观测,原来漏水点得到封堵,大坝下游面也没有发现新的漏水点,坝体劈裂灌浆达到了预期的效果。