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Discussion on check in city digital cadastral surveying project

TANG Guo-quan, CAI Lin-tao and GONG Wei-guang   

  • Online:2010-08-28 Published:2010-08-28



  1. 1.浙江省第二测绘院,浙江杭州 310012;2.浙江省工程物探勘察院,浙江杭州 310005;3.舟山市建设测量队,浙江舟山 316000

Abstract: Combined with Pinghu city digital cadastral surveying project, with the principle of whole-to-part, this paper introduced the checking work in process and discussed on the application of some check methods.

摘要: 结合平湖市城镇数字地籍调查项目实践,通过由整体到局部的原则,介绍了城镇数字地籍调查项目各作业阶段中的检查过程,探讨了一些检查手段的运用方法。