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Multi-fields coupling model of concrete-water-chemical and numerical simulations for bottom plate of stilling basin

GUO Zhang-jun, XU Jian-guang, HAN Jian-xin and et al.   

  • Online:2010-08-28 Published:2010-08-28



  1. 1.陕西电力科学研究院,陕西西安 710054;2.安康水力发电厂,陕西安康 725000;3.河海大学,江苏南京 210098

Abstract: The article studied stilling basin, one of energy dissipation facilities frequently adopted in hydraulic construction, whose long-term stability and safe operation was of vital importance to dam for power generation and flood carrying safety in flood period. Especially, the safety and stability of bottom plate of stilling basin was extremely critical. However, due to long-term physical and chemical efforts by reservoir water, stilling pool was constantly suffering corrosion and damage, such as loss in cementation of concrete and gradual decline in intensity and durability. By establishing a coupling model with coefficients of concrete-water-chemical, chemical corrosion process of board concrete was numerically simulated, impact on intensity and durability of the bottom plate was analyzed, influence of chemical corrosion on the damaged plate's normal operation was anticipated, providing basis for enhancing anti-chemical erosion performance of damaged bottom plate in the future restoration. Combined with simulation results, calcium-corrosion of plate of stilling basin can be estimated quantificationally, and its further weakening tendency can be judged.

摘要: 消力池是水工建筑物经常采用的消能设施之一,其长期稳定和安全运行对确保大坝正常发电和汛期安全行洪至关重要,特别是消力池底板的安全稳定尤为关键。但库水长期存在的物理和化学作用使其遭受不断的侵蚀和损伤,混凝土因而损失胶凝性,强度和耐久性能逐渐下降。通过建立考虑化学损伤的混凝土-水-化学耦合模型,数值模拟底板混凝土的化学侵蚀过程,分析化学侵蚀对消力池底板混凝土强度和耐久性的影响,预测化学侵蚀对已破损消力池底板今后运行的影响,并为今后消力池底板修复中如何提高混凝土抗化学侵蚀性提供依据。模拟结果可定量判断消力池底板的