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Emergency action after dam failure of Taum Sauk project and its bad influence

CUI Hong-yi   

  • Online:2010-12-28 Published:2010-12-28

Taum Sauk抽水蓄能工程系列报道(II)—Taum Sauk抽水蓄能电站溃坝后的应急响应及造成的影响

崔弘毅 编译   

  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: After dam failure of Taum Sauk project,EAP was started up immediately,which reduced the loss caused by the dam breach. This paper introduced the EAP of Taum Sauk project and the emergency actions adopted,for reference.

摘要: Taum Sauk抽水蓄能电站上库坝溃决事件发生后,立即启动了应急管理系统,有效降低了事故造成的不利影响。文章简要介绍了该电站的应急预案、应急响应中各方采取的行动及有待改进的地方,供参考。最后,介绍了失事对当地社会、经济、环境等造成的不利影响,希望引以为戒,提高警惕。