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Application of bailey beam aqueduct method in aqueduct construction of Chang river main canal project

GUO Qin-jun, MA Sheng-li and GUO Ming-tai   

  • Online:2011-08-28 Published:2011-08-28



  1. 1.南水北调中线局河南直管建管部,河南郑州 450000;2.河南黄河工程公司,河南郑州450000

Abstract: According to the construction experience and the characteristics of the aqueduct 1~2 at Chang river main canal, the construction mode of bailey beam supporting structure body while concrete pouring was advanced. By uniform loading on the bailey beam to test aqueduct deflection, water filling test on pre-arch and ANSYS simulation, result was gotten that the strength of bailey beam can meet the construction requirements, and pre-arch would protect the bottom plate of the aqueduct against deformation. This construction method was economical and feasible, worthy reference.

摘要: 根据同类型槽身施工经验,结合大广坝灌区昌江干渠1~2号渡槽的特点,提出了以贝雷梁作为支撑架构的槽身现浇施工模式。通过贝雷梁加载砂袋模拟槽身挠度变化试验、贝雷梁支架预备拱注水试验和ANSYS系统模拟计算得出结论:贝雷梁支架在强度上能满足施工要求,采用贝雷梁造槽法在贝雷梁支架上预留一定的拱度,可以保证槽身底板不变形,确保施工质量。贝雷梁造槽法为高墩槽身施工提供了一种经济可行的办法。