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Construction technology of curtain grouting at Fengman concrete dam

LU Hong-yan, ZHANG Fa-lin, LI Ming and et al.   

  • Online:2011-08-28 Published:2011-08-28



  1. 中国水利水电第一工程局有限公司基础分局,辽宁大连 116041

Abstract: The seepage pressure reduction project of overflow dam sections of Fengman dam was to solve the dam body leakage problem. On the basis of bidding design, construction parameters shall be determined by productivity test. These grouting construction parameters, directive standard and results of investigative test made for the curtain grouting at concrete dam body was of great meaning for similar projects in aspects such as project design, construction technology and optimization of construction parameters.

摘要: 丰满大坝溢流坝段降低渗水压力工程是要解决混凝土重力坝坝体渗漏问题,施工参数在招标设计基础上由生产性帷幕灌浆试验予以确定。这些灌浆施工参数和指导性标准以及对混凝土坝坝体帷幕灌浆进行的探索性试验工作取得的结果,对今后国内混凝土大坝类似灌浆工程的设计、施工工艺的确定、施工参数优选比较具有重要的借鉴意义。