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Application of abrasion-resistant concrete in Hongkou hydropower project

XING Lan-ying   

  • Online:2011-12-28 Published:2011-12-28



  1. 中国华电集团公司福建分公司,福建福州 350013

Abstract: As high water head and speed at spillway of Hongkou hydropower station, the requirement for ability of anti-scouring and abrasion of the concrete was high. By research, HF abrasion-resistant concrete was adopted. The application experience showed that it was of high mechanical strength and abrasion-resistant. Further, it was convenient for construction and economic, worthy popularization.

摘要: 福建洪口水电站大坝溢洪道水头高、流速大,对混凝土的抗冲耐磨性能要求高,经试验研究,选用HF抗冲耐磨混凝土。研究与应用表明,HF抗冲耐磨混凝土不仅具有较高的力学强度和抗冲耐磨强度,且施工工艺简单,经济效益明显,在福建水电工程上的首次应用,效果良好。