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Discussion on management of supervision in great hydropower project

ZHAO Qiang   

  • Online:2009-12-28 Published:2009-12-28



  1. 中国长江三峡集团公司白鹤滩工程建设筹备组,湖南宜昌 443002

Abstract: The scale of hydropower projects in China is larger and larger recent years.These projects are complex systems which requires high level technology and the art of construction management.Thus, the importance of project supervision in management gets more attention.According to practice of project management, experiences and cases in project management were studied and some advices about better projects management were proposed, for reference.

摘要: 当前国内水电工程规模不断扩大,技术性和系统性越来越强,复杂程度越来越高,对建设管理水平提出了更高的要求,工程监理在工程管理中的重要性更加凸显出来。本文从工程管理实际出发,通过总结过去监理管理的经验及教训,对今后在大型水电工程中如何管理好工程监理提出一些思路。