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Application of foundation replacement in invert siphon of Beiru river in south-to-north water diversion project

GUO Qin-jun   

  • Online:2011-12-28 Published:2011-12-28



  1. 南水北调河南直管建管局,河南郑州 450046

Abstract: The foundation of invert siphon project on Beiru river was on the clay rock layer which was 18-m deep underground. The irregular fractures caused ineffective drainage and slow down the construction process. The paper introduced the foundation replacement which was applied into the invert siphon project and solved the problem, for reference.

摘要: 北汝河倒虹吸工程的构筑物建基面位于地表下18 m深的粘土岩层上,该岩层的不规则裂隙导致施工降排水效果不佳,该问题一度困扰施工进展。在充分对比、分析及论证的基础上,提出了基础换填方法,有效解决了这一难题,为工程赢得了时间和效益。