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Design of the face-slab dam in Kensiwate hydraulic project on Manasi River

XU Xiang-dong and ZHOU Ji-jun   

  • Online:2012-02-28 Published:2012-02-28



  1. 新疆生产建设兵团勘测规划设计研究院,新疆石河子 832000

Abstract: Kensiwate hydraulic project is of the character of high earthquake intensity, steep slope and special construction material. The whole section of Kensiwate dam was filled with sand-gravel. This paper introduced the dam blocks, material design, face-slab design and toe-slab design of the concrete face-slab dam, for reference.

摘要: 肯斯瓦特水利枢纽工程具有地震烈度高、岸坡陡峻、筑坝材料特殊等特点。肯斯瓦特大坝全断面采用砂砾石填筑。介绍了该混凝土面板坝的坝体分区、坝料设计、面板设计、趾板结构设计等,为高寒和高地震烈度区修建混凝土面板砂砾石坝积累了经验。