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Main conclusions of CADAM project and introduction of IMPACT project

CUI Hong-yi   

  • Published:2012-04-28


崔弘毅 编译   

  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: During 1998~2000, the CADAM (Concerted Action on Dambreak Modelling) project had been set in motion by the European Union to investigate current methods and their use for simulation and prediction of the effects of dam failures. Addressing issues originally identified by the CADAM project, the IMPACT (Investigation of ExtreMe Flood Processes And UnCertainTy) project addressed the assessment and reduction of risks from extreme flooding. The paper introduced the main conclusions of CADAM as well as the IMPACT project.

摘要: 1998~2000年,欧盟资助了一项称为CADAM(Concerted Action on Dambreak Modelling)的所谓溃坝模拟协调行动计划,拟对当时所使用的方法及其在模拟和预报溃坝方面的应用加以研究。针对CADAM项目研究中提炼出来的一些关键技术问题,“IMPACT”欧洲合作工程项目对其展开了研究,IMPACT是CADAM项目的延续。IMPACT(Investigation of ExtreMe Flood Processes And UnCertainTy)项目意为特大洪水过程及其不确