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Optimization design of the river diversion and flood control

ZHENG Guo-bing, XIAO Yu and PENG Yin-sheng   

  • Published:2012-04-28



  1. 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院,浙江杭州 310002

Abstract: Delay of the upstream dyke construction and relocation of the residents caused threat to safety in flood period. In order to ensure the safety of upstream area and the project construction in flood period, an optimization of the original diversion plan and the protection measures during flood period were carried out. As a result, project safety in flood season has been guaranteed. It also provided a reference for similar projects.

摘要: 本工程实施过程中,由于上游堤防建设和江心洲搬迁安置工作滞后,加大了施工期上游安全度汛的压力。通过综合考虑上游和工程自身的防洪度汛安全,对原导流和度汛方案进行了优化设计,较好地解决了工程施工度汛问题,取得了良好的效果,为类似工程设计提供了借鉴。