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Further discussion on the analysis method of resistance ratio error of Carlson transducer

JIANG Xiao-ming   

  • Online:2012-12-28 Published:2012-12-28



  1. 大唐南京环保科技有限责任公司,江苏南京211100

Abstract: The quality control method of resistance ratio of Carlson transducer has been written into the specification and has played a positive role. This paper points out the shortcomings, puts forward a new expression to resistance ratio error, analyzes the resistance ratio characteristics, compares the methods to calculate the resistance ratio error and gives a recommendations to modify the current specification. The resistance ratio accuracy of five-core or three-core or four-core Carlson transducer can be judged by use of the sum of pro and con resistance ratio, as well as the product, in which the latter is more reasonable.

摘要: 指出了规范中电阻比测值质量控制方法的不足,提出了电阻比测量误差的新的数学表达式,分析了差阻式仪器电阻比的特性,比较了计算电阻比测量误差的多种方法,并对现行规范给出了修改建议。五芯或三芯、四芯差阻式仪器,都可以用正反测电阻比之和来判别电阻比测值的准确性,也可以用正反测电阻比乘积来判别电阻比测值的准确性,后者更合理。