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Safety status of small-sized reservoirs in Hebei province and suggestions on rehabilitation

WANG Yong-liang and ZHAO Xun   

  • Online:2012-10-28 Published:2012-10-28



  1. 河北省水利科学研究院,河北石家庄 050051

Abstract: Most small-sized reservoirs in Hebei province have been in operation about 40 years. Because of poor design, low-quality construction and long-term operation, defects occurred and rehabilitation was required. Construction process and main problems with the small reservoirs in Hebei province were introduced and suggestions on rehabilitation were advanced.

摘要: 河北省现有小型水库大部分已运用40年左右,由于原设计、施工中存在的先天不足以及长时间运行中的损坏,大部分属于病险水库,除险加固迫在眉睫。本文论述了河北省小型水库的建设历程以及存在的主要病险问题,依据水利部除险加固设计指导意见,针对河北省小型水库的工程现状提出了应采取的除险加固建议。