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Effect of impounding speed on safety of Nuozadu core wall rockfill dam

LEI Hong-jun, FENG Ye-lin and LIU Xing-ning   

  • Online:2012-10-28 Published:2012-10-28



  1. 1.中国水电顾问集团昆明勘测设计研究院,云南昆明 650051;2.云南省水利水电土石坝工程技术研究中心,云南昆明 650051

Abstract: Some adverse effects may bring forth to safety of the core wall rockfill dam when it is impounded for the first time, especially when the impounding speed is too fast. For example, there may be settlement increases in later stage, arching effect enhancements even cracks of the core wall, seepage deformations, instability of downstream dam slope and soaking deformations of upstream rockfill. So it is necessary to study the relation between impounding speed and the safety of dam. Based on the experience of Nuozadu core wall rockfill dam, by means of numerical calculations and analysis, in aspects of deformation, stress, hydraulic fracture, unsteady seepage and dam slope stability, safety characteristics of the dam when impounded for the first time was studied and the impounding speed was advised.

摘要: 心墙堆石坝首次蓄水特别是蓄水速度较快时,可能对坝体安全造成一些不利的影响,如坝体后期沉降量增加、心墙拱效应增强甚至产生心墙裂缝、渗透变形、下游坝坡失稳、上游堆石湿化变形等,因此为确保蓄水过程中大坝的安全,需对水库蓄水速度与大坝安全的相关关系进行深入研究。依托在建的糯扎渡水电站心墙堆石坝工程,通过数值计算分析,从变形、应力、抗水力劈裂、非稳定渗流、坝坡稳定等方面研究了水库初次蓄水时大坝的安全特性,并提出蓄水速度建议。