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PSH inclinometer and it’ s temperature compensation character

Lin Shi-qing etc.   

  • Online:1990-03-28 Published:1990-03-28

P SH型测斜仪及其温度补偿特性


  1. 1.能源部大坝安全监察中心;2.航空部西安618所;3.河海大学;4.抚顺煤炭研究所

Abstract: At present due to the inclinometer for measuring inner horizontal displacement, neglected the influence of the tip output parameter temperature coefficient, hence it brought more system error for measuring result. So it can’t used for measuring the small displacement elasticity deformation of concrete and foundation. This paper introduced a new inclinometer tacked key projects in the "Seventh-five year plan". This equipment has accounted the influence of temperature coefficient of the tip output parameter. And large minimized the system error for measuring. Thus it is possible to raise a values grade of the measure precision.?

摘要: 目前,测量地基内部各点水平位移的测斜仪,由于忽视了测头输出参数温度系数的影响,给测量成果带来较大的系统误差,无法用来测量小位移的基岩及混凝土的弹性变形。 本文介绍“七·五”科技攻关项目中的一种新型测针仪。该设备考虑了测量仪表及测头输出参数的温度系数的影响。大大降低了测量的系统误差。有可能使测量精度提高一个数量级。