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The preliminary analysis of the auto-monitoring data of the abutment rock mass original position fracture at the Fengtan and Dongjiang hydropower stations

Qi Fu-dong   

  • Online:1991-09-28 Published:1991-09-28

凤滩、东江水电站坝基(肩) 岩体断裂原位自动化监测成果初析


  1. 能源部/水利部 中南勘测设计院

Abstract: Applying the MD4281B Rock mass deforester to the original position monitoring, This paper have gotten satisfactory result. This deforester has two merits of high accuracy and continuous record. And the author also presents a primary analysis of the abutment rock mass monitoring data.?

摘要: 本文采用MD4281B型岩体变形测量仪,进行原位监测,获得较为满意的成果,该仪器具有精度高,连读记录的优点,并对坝基(肩) 岩体原位监测作了初步分析。