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The synopsis for intelligent data acquisition system

Wang Zhao-cheng   

  • Online:1991-09-28 Published:1991-09-28

智能数据采集系统( IOA)s 简介


  1. 水利部黄委设计院

Abstract: IDA system is Sinco’s new product coming to market during the last few years.IDA is the acronym of intelligent data acquisition. It’s major components are sensors, multiplex modules, interface/repeater, terminal box, I/R module, power supplies, personal computer, sensor cable and bus cable, various lightening protectors, bus power controller, surge protector, manual readout adaptor, portable indicator, and so on. Multiplex modules convert sensor signals to digital form and transmit them through IDA bus to the personal computer (PC) which is on site. The PC converts the digital data received from engineering units and stores them on disk. It also compares incoming data to preset alarm thresholds and triggers alarms if necessary. Data can be printed, displayed, and echoed to a second computer which may be hundreds of RMS away from the first PC. The first PC is used for data logging and the second PC is used for data analysis. Data is transferred either by modem or by floppy disks. The second PC is responsible for archiving data in a database, analyzing data, plotting graphs, and generating reports. IDA system was adopted by TVA for monitoring the Fontana Dam and operated successfully. It also adopted for monitoring a landslide and a tailings dam.

摘要: IDA系统是Sinco公司近年来投入市场的新产品。IDA是智能数据采集的缩写。该系统的主要器件有:传感器、多路模块,接口重发器、终端箱、I/R模块、电源、个人计算机、传感电缆、总线、各种雷击保护器、总线电源控制器、过压保护器、人工读数适配器及便携式读数显示器等。多路模块把传感信号转换成数字形式并通过IDA总线将其传输到现场的个人计算机中。PC机将转换从工程单位中获得的数据并将其存入软盘。如果需要,PC机也可以分析比较输入数据来预置报警界限和发出警报。数据能打印、显示并能多次不断的从前置PC机返回到后置PC