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More Attention mest devote to The durability of hydro-Concrete building in China

Li Jin-yu   

  • Online:1990-03-28 Published:1990-03-28



  1. 水利水电科研院结构材料所

Abstract: This paper provides the investigation results of the durability and the defects occurring in 70 mass concrete constructions in china. The defects of mass concrete gates and dams are summarized as follows: 1. crack damage; 2. leakage and leaching corrosion; 3. freeze-thaw erosion; 4. scouring and wearing; 5. reinforcement corrosion; 6. corrosion of surrounding water. All these defects are illustrated by typical constructions. For improving the durability of hydraulic concrete structures, some useful recommendations are given.

摘要: 文中介绍了我国32座大型水电站混凝土大坝以及40余座钢筋混凝土闸等水工混凝土建筑物耐久性及病害处理调查的概况。指出了我国已建的水工混凝土建筑物在运行中,目前存在的主要病害,即裂缝破坏、渗漏溶蚀、冻融破坏、冲磨气蚀、碳化及钢筋锈蚀、环境水的侵蚀以及低强风化、碱骨料反应和坝项的不正常升高等。 文中总结了我国水工混凝土建筑物、针久性和病害处理方面的经验教训,并对今后的工作作出了积极的建议。