dam ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 61-66.

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Structural monitoring of a Zayandeh-Rud concrete arch dam in Iran

CUI Hong-yi and ZHOU Ke-fa   

  • Received:2013-10-07 Online:2014-06-30 Published:2014-06-30

伊朗Zayandeh-Rud 混凝土拱坝的结构监测


  1. 1.国家能源局大坝安全监察中心,浙江 杭州,310014;2.水利部大坝安全管理中心,江苏 南京,210029
  • 作者简介:崔弘毅(1983- ),女,重庆人,助理工程师,主要从事大坝安全方面的研究。

Abstract: Monitoring the static and dynamic behavior of large dams has always been a topic of great importance, due to the impact these structures have on the whole landscape where they are built. Large dam monitoring systems are usually based on both boundary conditions (temperature, rainfall, water level, etc.) and structural responses (i.e. displacements, rotations, pore pressures, etc.). Many instruments and surveying methods have been applied so far in order to continuously access to the safety of this kind of huge structures. In this paper, the tangential and radial displacements of dam body with respect to the foundation, generally recorded with an acceptable degree of accuracy by pendulum instruments, is mainly induced by variations of lake water level. This paper presents a successful data analysis and discussion from a long time monitoring of the instruments that are currently available for monitoring displacements of big structures such as large dams. From the results of analysis by instruments it has pointed out that the dam body and foundation are stable. Analysis has shown that the right bank movements, because of weaker geology are slightly larger than on the left bank. Also, the results indicate that displacements are dominated by reservoir water level.

Key words: instruments, tangential and radial displacement, foundation, geological condition

摘要: 鉴于大坝安全对整个区域稳定和安全的影响巨大,对大坝的静态和动态特性进行监测一直以来都极具重要性。大坝安全监测系统通常依据边界条件(如气温、降雨、水位等)和结构物响应情况(如位移、旋转、孔隙水压力等)。为确保这类巨型建筑物的安全,至今为止,使用了许多监测仪器和调查手段。伊朗的Zayandeh-Rud混凝土拱坝,用垂线装置大致记录了坝体相对于坝基的切向位移和径向位移,其精度在可接受的范围。坝体的径向位移和切向位移主要由库水位的变化引起。文章对监测数据进行了分析,对现有可用来监测大型建筑物(如大坝)位移的仪器的长期监测进行了讨论。从仪器监测分析结果可知,坝体和坝基目前都处于稳定状态。分析还表明,由于软弱地质条件的影响,右岸的位移比左岸大,并且,位移主要受库水位的影响。

关键词: 仪器, 切向和径向位移, 基础, 地质条件