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Treatment for by-pass seepage at right bank in Tuohai Dam

Hu Guang-rui   

  • Online:2001-08-28 Published:2001-08-28



  1. 托海水电厂,新疆伊宁 835000

Abstract: Tuohai Hydropower Station was built in 1954 and has operated for 13 years so far. It is found that the seepage at right bank of the dam is of great quantity during the first dam safety periodic inspection and need to be treated. The measures which maintain the existing curtain range and deepen the curtain up to the 830.0 m E.L. in terms of anti-seepage taken in order to make the effect economical and efficient.?

摘要: 托海水电站建于1984年.投运至今已运行13a。2000年开展了首次大坝安全定期检查,发现右岸绕坝渗漏水量较大。根据定检要求需处理。为使处理工作达到经济、有效的目的,采取维持现有帷幕范围,加深帷幕深度至830.0m高程,以起到防渗补漏的效果。