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Safety monitoring automation for existing dams and dams under construction

Fang Wei-hua   

  • Published:2002-06-28



  1. 水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所,南京 210012

Abstract: In this paper, aim and requirement of automation of dam safety monitoring are analyzed at first, the same of and difference between existing dams and dams under construction are compared on the aspects, such as system design, installation, debugging, running management , etc. The opinion are emphasized that when we realized safety monitoring automation for the dams under construction, measurement points arrangement and construction interference must be paid attention to. But to existing dams, observing data and running circumstances must be analyzed.?

摘要: 从分析安全监测自动化的目的和对自动化监测系统的要求入手,从监测系统的设计、安装调试到运行管理全过程,对新建大坝和运行期大坝实现监测系统自动化进行了对比分析,强调了在实现新建大坝监测自动化时,要注意测点布置、充分考虑到新建和运行期测点仪器的统一、借鉴相关工程经验和避免施工干扰;而运行期大坝监测自动化要建立在对原有监测设施鉴定和对运行资料进行充分分析的基础上。