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Defect check to concrete of discharge chute of central out let No.2 in Jinshuitan Dam and grouting treatment

Zhang Wei   

  • Published:2002-08-28



  1. 紧水滩水力发电厂,浙江云和 323603

Abstract: Left curb wall of the central discharging chute No.2 in Jinshuitan Dam is tightly close to the right wall of main powerhouse, powerhouse are inundated at central discharging because of defective concrete in chute, which seriously endanger the safety operation of the units. It was found that a wide range concrete casting defects were located in chute bottom by checks, so it is suggested that orifice closed backfill grouting on pressure only should be conducted.?

摘要: 紧水滩大坝2#中孔泄槽左侧墙与电站主厂房右端墙紧贴,中孔泄洪时因泄槽混凝土存在缺陷而导致厂房进水,严重威胁机组的安全运行,经反复检查终于发现泄槽底板混凝土存在大范围的浇筑缺陷,采用孔口封闭纯压式回填灌浆进行工程处理取得了消缺成功。