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Data analysis on dam deformation monitoring of Shanmei Reservoir

Lin Jia-xing   

  • Published:2002-12-28



  1. 泉州市山美水库管理处,福建泉州 362321

Abstract: Shanmei Reservoir is a large, multi-functional water conservancy project which put in to operation in1972. Based on the defor-mation observations of the dam during the30years, this paper analyzed the partial defect of the project and pointed out the evaluation and suggestion.?

摘要: 山美水库是一座多功能的大型水利枢纽工程,1972年建成投入运行,本文从现有近30年大坝变形观测资料进行整理,并初步分析工程的存在局部缺陷,提出了评价和建议。