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Enforcing safety inspection and assessment on permanent device of reservoirs

Zhang Bu-xin,Yang Shi-hong and Li Wen-ming   

  • Published:2003-06-28



  1. 1.水利部水工金属结构质量检验测试中心,郑州 450006;2.水利部综合事业局,北京 100053

Abstract: This paper has stated the operation and management status of permanent device of gates, headstock gear existing in reservoirs and embankments nationwide. It has emphasized the importance of periodical inspection and testing and operators’ training, putting forward its suggestion on implementation. It pointed out that imperative periodical inspection and testing, and only qualified operators after training are able to work on duty,have effectively prevented from operation accidents. Maximum social and economic profit can be obtained by doing so.?

摘要: 阐述了全国水库及堤防永久设备即闸门、启闭机的运行、管理现状,强调了定期安全检测、安全鉴定及加强操作人员的上岗培训的意义和重要性,并对安全检测、鉴定和人员培训的组织实施提出了建议,文章指出只有通过强制性的定期检测和操作人员经过培训持证上岗,才能有效预防水利工程永久设备运行事故的发生,最大限度地发挥水利工程建设的社会和经济效益。?