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Protection dam strategy against terrorism in USA

Shyangchin Lin   

  • Published:2003-08-28



  1. 美国联邦能源管制委员会

Abstract: After “September 11” terror attack,USA has initiated “Against-Terrorism Preparation”. To avoid the insufficiency of dam security measures and personnel negligence, the US government has begun to push “Destroy Risk Evaluation of Dam Safety”. The President assigned “Dam Safety and Security Act” in Dec.,2002 to protect dam from destroy, as well as to ensure dam safety and public safety.?

摘要: 美国在遭受“911”恐怖事件袭击后,正发起“反恐全民准备运动”。为避免水坝保安措施的不足及人为的疏失,美国政府开始推动“水坝安全之破坏风险评估”。2002年12月美国总统签署了“水坝安全和保安法案”,正式立法防范水坝人为破坏,确保水坝和公众安全。