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Simulating test of float closing gate for underwater automatic positioning

Zhou Ye-rong   

  • Published:2003-08-28



  1. 龚嘴水力发电总厂,四川乐山 614900

Abstract: This paper analysed the simulating test of float closing gate for underwater automatic positioning, inquired into engineering feasibility to develop a diverless construction new-technology to close dam bottom outlet. It provides the new method which can be to close bottom outlet in the deep water for large and median-sized hydropower stations and reservois in China.?

摘要: 通过对水下自动定位浮体封堵门模拟试验的研究分析,探讨了开发无潜水员辅助的大坝水下孔洞封堵施工新技术的技术可行性,为解决我国大、中型水库、电站的深水底孔封堵问题找到了一种新方法。