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Error analysis on original observational data of differential-resistance meters

WU Wan-ling   

  • Published:2004-02-28



  1. 浙江水利水电高等专科学校,杭州 310027

Abstract: There is always error on original observational data of the differential-resistance meter, the characteristic form of error is determined by the special structure and principle of the meter.This article enumerates several familiars styles of errors from application, it analyzes the causes of error and disposal as well.?

摘要: 观测资料都带有误差,差阻式应变计的原理和结构决定了其观测资料误差的特殊的形式,本文联系实际列举了常见的几种误差类型,定性分析了误差产生的原因及处理方法。