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Distributed optical fiber temperature monitoring system and its application

QIN Yi-tao,LIU Jian-ming and XIA Xu-peng et al.   

  • Published:2004-02-28



  1. 1.宁波振东光电有限公司,浙江余姚315403;2.中南勘测设计研究院 长沙 410014;3.大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: This article mainly introduces the working principle and measuring method of distributed optical fiber temperature monitoring system (DTS) , along with the sensitive optical cable embedded condition in Changdiao concrete face rockfill dam and first detecting result. Inspection result has shown that DTS system meets the requirement of continuous measuring temperature one value every 0.5m, and got temperature distribution of peripheral joint of supporting layer well. The two methods of heating and non-heating can both effectively monitor and control the seepage in peripheral joint. Meanwhile, it successfully measured the water temperature and water level at dam heel by sensitive optical cable embedded in concrete slab.?

摘要: 本文叙述了分布式光纤温度监测系统(下称DTS系统)的工作原理和测量方法,介绍了DTS系统的传感光缆在长调水电站混凝土面板堆石坝的埋设简况,分析了首次检测成果。检测成果表明:DTS系统实现了每0.5m一个读数的连续测温要求,较好地获得了周边缝垫层温度分布情况,加热和不加热两种方法都有效地实现了对周边缝渗漏的监控,并且,通过埋设在混凝土面板中的传感光缆成功地测到了坝前水温和坝前水位。?