ISSN 1671-1092 CN 33-1260/TK

大坝与安全 ›› 2018 ›› Issue (1): 27-31.

• 监测技术 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于高分辨率PSP-InSAR 技术的深圳市长岭皮水库坝体形变监测应用研究


  1. 深圳市城市公共安全技术研究院有限公司,广东 深圳,518000
  • 收稿日期:2017-02-13 修回日期:2017-10-29 出版日期:2018-02-08 发布日期:2018-02-08
  • 作者简介:黄 松(1987- ),男,湖北浠水人,主要从事城市建筑物及基础设施形变监测研究。

Slope deformation monitoring based on high-resolution PSP-InSAR——case of Shenzhen Changlingpi reservoir

HUANG Song, NI Shao-wen, XI Shu-feng and DONG Kai   

  1. Shenzhen Urban Public Safety and Technology Institute
  • Received:2017-02-13 Revised:2017-10-29 Online:2018-02-08 Published:2018-02-08

摘要: 水库边坡的形变一直是评估其稳定性的重要指标。以2013~2016年内COSMO-SkyMed系统采集的SAR数据为输入,利用PSP-InSAR技术对深圳市内大部分水库边坡开展了形变监测。在重点分析长岭皮水库坝体边坡形变的过程中,结合水位变化数据,建立了目标点随水位和时间变化的形变模型,成功分解出由水库水位变化导致的形变和水库自身沉降而引起的形变,并对水库不同坡面的形变分量进行了对比分析。相比于传统技术,In⁃SAR技术能在水库边坡及周边区域获取密集的监测点,能全面揭示水库及周边的形变信息,未来有能力为水库边坡的形变机理研究和稳定性分析提供基础数据支持。

关键词: InSAR, COSMO-SkyMed, PSP-InSAR, 水库边坡, 形变监测

Abstract: Slope deformation is considered as an important index of reservoir stability. This paper introduces a study of deformation monitoring of most reservoirs in Shenzhen. All the data are collected by the COSMO-SkyMed system during 2013~2016. In the typical analysis on Changlingpi reservoir, a deformation model combined with water level data is built. By use of the model, the total deformation is successfully divided into the one caused by water level and the one caused by dam settlement. As well, a comparison between different components of the deformation is conducted. Compared to traditional technologies, InSAR collects more monitoring points, so it is more comprehensive. In the future, the studies on slope deformation mechanism and stability analysis can be largely enhanced by InSAR data.

Key words: InSAR, COSMO-SkyMed, PSP-InSAR, reservoir slope, deformation monitoring