ISSN 1671-1092 CN 33-1260/TK

大坝与安全 ›› 2017 ›› Issue (6): 57-62.

• 监测技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


王 锋,郑晓红,王玉洁   

  1. 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州,311122
  • 收稿日期:2017-09-27 出版日期:2017-12-08 发布日期:2017-12-08
  • 作者简介:王 锋(1987- ),男,内蒙古人,工程师,现从事水工结构安全性评价工作。

Key technologies of safety monitoring for deep-buried, long and large hydraulic tunnel of Jinping Ⅱhydropower station

WANG Feng, ZHENG Xiao- hong and WANG Yu- jie   

  1. PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited
  • Received:2017-09-27 Online:2017-12-08 Published:2017-12-08

摘要: 深埋长大水工隧洞在高地应力、高外水压力等因素的影响下,围岩变形及支护结构受力情况是工程中关心的问题。安全监测是指导设计与施工、了解工程安全状况的重要手段,深埋长大水工隧洞的不确定性给安全监测带来极大的困难。通过锦屏二级水工隧洞安全监测的工程实践,介绍了深埋条件下不同围岩类别的变形及支护结构受力特点,从变形、渗流、应力等角度深入分析了深埋隧洞安全监测中的关键技术,总结了仪器设备埋设的经验,为类似工程提供了参考。

关键词: 安全监测, 水工隧洞, 深埋, 锦屏二级水电站

Abstract: As the influence of high geostress and high external water pressure, the deformation of surrounding rock and stress distribution of supporting structure are the concerns of deep-buried, long and large hydraulic tunnel. Safety monitoring is an important way to guide design and construction and to know the safety status of the project. However, the uncertainty of deep-buried, long and large hydraulic tunnel brings great difficulty to safety monitoring. Through the engineering practice of the safety monitoring of the hydraulic tunnel in Jinping Ⅱhydropower station, the deformation of different types of surrounding rock and the stress characteristics of the supporting structure in deep buried condition are introduced in this paper. From the perspective of deformation, seepage and stress, the key technologies of safety monitoring for deep-buried tunnel are thoroughly analyzed, and the experience of instrument installation is summarized, for reference.

Key words: safety monitoring, hydraulic tunnel, deep-buried, Jinping Ⅱhydropower station